

Room 2202, 22/F,
Mega Trade Centre,
1 Mei Wan Street,
Tsuen Wan, New Territories

Tel: 91375571

Quote Number h-q20202020200604023
Quote Date 10.06.2020
Total $0.00

Hazedawn Project List

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 CRM Systerm

CRM system streams existing customers to maximize customer value and avoid customer loss. The system automatically monitors the sales staff to follow up and improve the transaction rate.

Conduct employee life cycle management, support multiple attendance system management, support multiple sets of compensation systems and salary standards.

The system can provide customized contract management process and follow up project process based on personnel, time, completion schedule, etc. It can manage task bar and task calendar to realize the organic combination of business normalization and flow efficiency.

Allowing managers to properly cope with company expenses and reduce business operation risks. It not only makes daily expenses and management fees clear but also enables enterprises to have a deeper understanding of cost.

Other functions (messages , events , notice board , reports)

Includes internal employee communications, schedule management, task notifications, task report records, financial report records and so on

1 Inventory Management System

Business Management
Multiple business
Multiple business locations, store fronts, warehouse
Set currency, time zone, financial year, profit margin, tax registration details and more options

Product Management
Single & variable products
Enable/disable Stock management
Add brands, category, units, tax rates, group taxes
Products with expiry
Low stock alert & expiry alerts
Predefined SKU or auto generate SKU
IMEI/serial number, lot number
Print bar-code & labels
Selling price group
Import product CSV, and much more

Add, edit, delete, view, print purchase
Purchase return
Credit, paid & partially paid. Multiple payment options
Payment reminders
Taxes, discounts, shipping charges
Specify product lot number & expiry
Upload purchase document
Quick add product in purchase screen

Sell & POS Terminal
Add, edit, delete, view, print
Credit, paid & partially paid sales
Sales return
Taxes, discounts, shipping charges
Keyboard Shortcuts
Improved POS to save time (no page reload, fully Ajax)
Payment options - cash, CC, cheque, bank, transfer
Walk-in or quick add customer
Specify commission agent

Suppliers & Customers
Add contacts as supplier, customer or both
Pay terms & payment alerts
Details payment details
Detailed purchase & sell transactions

Staff, Salesperson, Cashier
Advance user management module
Permission & roles
Commission agents
Assign business locations to a role
Predefined roles - admin & cashier
Add cashier for business location
Staff salary and expense management

Powerful reports with filters & charts
Profit & loss report
Purchase & sell report
Stock reports
Trending product reports
Tax reports
Expenses reports
Suppliers & customers reports
Cash registers reports
Salesperson reports

SMS & Email notifications
Interactive dashboard with overall shop details and charts
Stock adjustments,Expense management, cash register
Fully customise invoice layout, barcode settings
Supports barcode scanner, thermal printer (ESC/POS)
Translation ready, detailed documentation

1 Logistics System

Shipments reports 
Transactions reports

Push notifications

English, Arabic and multilingual ready Itr and rtl too

Shipment tracking
Employee tracking

Whole system backup module

Extend and  Maintain  Code
Ready for labels printer and QR code readers

1 EShop Solution

Shopping Cart
Simple Checkout
Inventory Management System
User make order through eShop and notify
Manager through Mobile alert and email.
Create order and note
Create store / inventory control.
Inventory Management and alert of stock shortage.
Inventory control, alert storage and stock,
monitoring, and tracking of delivery items.
Identify pieces of inventory with a unique serial
System administration that allows user to upload
new items.

1 Online Order System

Create customer account
Manage customer account
Browse User behaves details
Add order to cart to time tables
Manage order in table (remove, add, or customize)
Provide payment and delivery information
Place order
Receive order confirmation and receipt
Track order for in store pick up/Service

1 Search Engine Optimization

Region: Hong Kong
Search Engine: Google.hk
Phase 1: Boost website positions of the 10 keywords
for 6 months
- Onsite optimization
Meta Keywords and description, Google Analytics
- Content optimization
- Google My Business setup
- Bing Place for business setup
- Local listing
- White hat Backlinking
Phase 2: Maintenance website positions of the 10
keywords for 6 months
- White hat backlinking
- Traffic Data monitoring
- Conversion optimization
- Ongoing marketing insight

1 ChatBot Development

Chat bot Integration feature:
Logic Adapters control
Storage Adapters
Data Training
Words Filters
Frequently Asked Questions
Machine Learning

1 Digital Payment Gateway Integration

Digital Payment gateway integration - up to 3
Integrate payment gateway:
* PayPal
* Apple pay
* WeChat pay
* Android pay
* Payme HSBC
* Alipay
* Samsung pay
Confirm the paid order to system / application
response the confirmation to system / application
with messages.

1 Online Financial Management System (Accounting System)

- Simply bar chart review the order and cash flow
- search the audit data from order
- Client name
- Amount
- Services
- Auto generate Invoice & quotation
- Remote sent Invoice & quotation
- Track expense transactions
- Payment voucher
- Design the Invoice & quotation with template
- Storage and manage the total amount of all orders
- Generate the book-keeping report in one click
- Reminder / notification in error amount

1 Online HR System Development

Conduct employee life cycle management, support
multiple attendance system management, support
multiple sets of compensation systems and salary
standards .
Manage employees profile
- Add / Manage Employee
- Add / Manage Designation
- Employee basic information setting
- Job status / history
- Leave status
Employee payroll
- Add / Manage Salary Setup
- Commission
- Add / Manage Expense Item
- Expense Statement manage
- Add / Manage Benefits
- Attendance record
- Manage Attendance
- Attendance Report
- Leave approval flow setting

1 Virtual Meeting and Conference Platform Development

- Live video and/or audio chat;
- Multi user conference video sessions;
- Whiteboard;
- Broadcast to many;
- Configurable entry form available both with front
end access (from the agent) or PHP and MySQL
- Own notification server, no third party software or
accounts needed;
- File transfer;
- Record every aspect of your live stream – video,
screen share, whiteboard and chat;
- Private rooms;
- Snapshot;
- URL shortener;
- Offline form so never miss a customer inquiry;
- Pure HTML5 Web chat;
- Chat history;
- Voice to chat module;
- Screen sharing. Supported on Chrome up to 71 with
additional plugin (Your will be guided in the
installation process), Chrome 72+, Firefox 52+ and
MS Edge 17+ browsers are pluginless;
- Switch between front and back camera of your
- Notification system;
- Mobile friendly;
- Button for establishing a direct connection and a
facility to track the presence of your visitors;
- Predefined buttons styling;
- Internationalization;
- Ability to set own video chat room;
- Meeting Scheduling;

1 ERP System

Bring all the vital data about your business at the tip of your finger. You can know about the number of products, customer, supplier and sale.
Dashboard will show you product info for every most selling product by a histogram. To compare the sale and purchase there is a line chart. Which can give you a total graphical view about sale and purchase ratio monthly.
Sales with payments and option to accept payments online by PayPal and Skrill along with delivery, gift cards and returns options.
Communicate with customers and keep track of every single purchase of a customer. Stream existing customers to maximize customer value and avoid customer loss. The system automatically monitors the sales staff to follow up and improve the transaction rate.
Product update, delete, barcode or qr code generator everything in your finger tip.
Add Supplier
Manage Supplier
Supplier Ledger
Supplier Advance
Purchase order with payments records, option to add purchase with CSV along with expenses feature
Add quotation and convert them to sales or purchase order with
download as pdf option
Stock report
Stock Return List
Supplier Return List
Wastage Return List
Overview & warehouse stock chart, product quantity and expiry alerts, general profit and/or loss report, sales, purchases, transfers, customer, suppliers and staff user reports.
Chart of Account
Supplier Payment
Customer Receive
Cash Adjustment
Debit Voucher
Credit Voucher
Contra Voucher
Journal Voucher
Add New Bank
Bank Transaction
Manage Bank
Tax Settings
Add Income Tax
Manage Income Tax
Tax Report
Invoice Wise Tax Report
Human Resource
Conduct employee life cycle management, support multiple attendance system management, support multiple sets of compensation systems and salary standards .
Add Service
Manage Service
Service Invoice
Manage Service Invoice
Generate commission
Easily manage the app with settings for logo, categories, variants, currencies, tax rates, customer groups, price groups, email templates and group permissions (staff group)
Data Synchronizer
Back Up
Big data model implementation
Big data feeatures
Hadoop integration
Hadoop cluster
Mysql applier

Sub Total $0.00
Tax $0.00
Total $0.00

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