


Room 2202, 22/F,
Mega Trade Centre,
1 Mei Wan Street,
Tsuen Wan, New Territories
Tel: 91375571

Invoice Number h-i2020063491578
Invoice Date 05.01.2023
Total Due $100,000.00

Flat/Room 501, 5/F, Lemmi Centre, 50 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon

 ERP System

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Social Media Login

1. Register through social network accounts (with Name, Surname, Email address)
2. Log in through social network accounts
3. Contact will be created under a respective Customer
4. Enable/disable specific social network

1 Supplier

1. Stay on top of business and manage your supplier’s relationships, all from ERP CRM.
2. Assign suppliers to specific staffs of your team and let them manage the relationship.
3. Allow suppliers to collaborator in the supplier portal
4. Make notes, statements, invoices, Credit note, estimate, tickets, contracts, projects, task

1 Accounting

1. Dashboard: Profit & Loss Chart, Income Chart, Expense Chart, Cashflow Chart and Bank
Accounts Overview
2. Transactions:
- Mapping Bank Statements to Accounting
- Mapping Invoices to Accounting
- Mapping Payments to Accounting
- Mapping Expenses to Accounting
- Mapping Purchase to Accounting (need to integrate with Purchase Management module)
- Mapping Inventory to Accounting (need to integrate with Inventory Management module)
- Mapping Payroll to Accounting (need to integrate with HR Payroll module)
3. Item Mapping Setup
4. Expense Category Mapping Setup
5. Tax Mapping Setup
6. Banking Rules: to automatically categorize transactions
7. Journal Entry: to record transactions in the general ledger
8. Transfer: to transfers of amounts between accounts
9. Chart of Accounts is a list of the account numbers and names relevant to your company.
Typically, a chart of accounts will have four categories (Asset accounts, Liability accounts,
Income accounts and Expense accounts)
10. Reconcile: is the process of matching transactions entered into module against your bank
or credit card statements
11. Budgets Management: supports preparing budgets, which help you monitor, track, and
compare expected income and expenses with actual income and expenses. When you
prepare a budget, you typically prepare it for a fiscal year, and you can opt to supply budget
amounts or use historical amounts

1 Accounting

12. Business Overview Reports:
- Balance Sheet Comparison: what you own (assets), what you owe (liabilities), and what you
invested (equity) compared to last year
- Balance Sheet Detail: a detailed view of what you own (assets), what you owe (liabilities),
and what you invested (equity)
- Balance Sheet Summary: a summary of what you own (assets), what you owe (liabilities),
and what you invested (equity)
- Balance Sheet: what you own (assets), what you owe (liabilities), and what you invested
- Custom Summary Report: a report you build from scratch. With more options to customize
- Profit and Loss as % of total income: your expenses as a percentage of your total income
- Profit and Loss Comparison: your income, expenses, and net income (profit or loss)
compared to last year
- Profit and Loss Detail: profit and Loss Detail
- Profit and Loss year-to-date comparison: your income, expenses, and net income (profit or
loss) compared to this year so far
- Profit and Loss: your income, expenses, and net income (profit or loss). Also called an
income statement
- Statement of Cash Flows: cash flowing in and out from sales and expenses (operating
activities), investments, and financing
- Statement of Changes in Equity: statement of changes in equity
Add Partner
Manage Partner
Partner Ledger
Partner Advance

1 Accounting

13. Bookkeeping Reports:
- Account list: the name, type, and balance for each account in your chart of accounts
- Balance Sheet Comparison: what you own (assets), what you owe (liabilities), and what you
invested (equity) compared to last year
- Balance Sheet: what you own (assets), what you owe (liabilities), and what you invested
- General Ledger: the beginning balance, transactions, and total for each account in your
chart of accounts
- Journal: the debits and credits for each transaction, listed by date
- Profit and Loss Comparison: your income, expenses, and net income (profit or loss)
compared to last year
- Profit and Loss: your income, expenses, and net income (profit or loss). Also called an
income statement
- Account history: account history
- Recent Transactions: Transactions you created or edited in the last 4 days
- Statement of Cash Flows: cash flowing in and out from sales and expenses (operating
activities), investments, and financing
- Transaction Detail by Account: transactions and total for each account in your chart of
- Transaction List by Date: A list of all your transactions, ordered by date
- Trial Balance: this report summarizes the debit and credit balances of each account on your
chart of accounts during a period
14. Sales tax:
- Tax Detail Report: This report lists the transactions that are included in each box on the tax
return. The report is based on accrual accounting unless you changed your tax reporting
preference to cash basis
- Tax Liability Report: How much sales tax you’ve collected and how much you owe to tax
- Tax Summary Report: This report shows you the summary information for each box of the
tax return. The report is based on accrual accounting unless you changed your tax reporting
preference to cash basis

1 Accounting

15. Sales and Customers Reports:
- Deposit Detail: your deposits, with the date, customer or supplier, and amount
- Income by Customer Summary: your income minus your expenses (net income) for each
16. Expenses and suppliers:
- Cheque Detail: The checks you’ve written, with the date, payee, and amount
17. Budgets:
- Budget overview: this report summarizes your budgeted account balances
- Profit and Loss Budget vs Actual: this report shows how well you are meeting your budget.
For each type of account, the report compares your budgeted amounts to your actual
- Profit and loss budget performance: this report compares actual amounts to budgeted
amounts for the month, the fiscal year to date, and the annual budget
18. Accounts Aging:
- Accounts Receivable Aging Summary: unpaid balances for each customer, grouped by days
past due
- Accounts Receivable Aging Detail: unpaid invoices, grouped by days past due
- Accounts Payable Aging Summary: the total amount of your unpaid bills, grouped by days
past due
- Accounts Payable Aging Detail: your unpaid bills, grouped by days past due

1 Sales Commission

1. Create Sales Commission Structures, support set up by customer groups or customers:
- Structure 1 – Total Invoice (Percentage or Fixed Amount)
- Structure 2 – Ladder Invoice (Percentage or Fixed Amount)
- Structure 3 – The value of the Product (Percentage or Fixed Amount)
- Structure 4 – According to the first order
- Structure 5 – According to the quantity of each item in the order
- Structure 6 – Ladder Product (Percentage or Fixed Amount)
- Structure 7 – Calculate the commission on the profit of the sale (based on the selling price
and cost)
2. Commission hierarchy and commission settings for the staff assigned to the client group
3. Allocate commission program to Staffs
4. Allocate commission program to Clients/Partners
5. Commission will be automatically calculated with payment, in case any invoices have not
been calculated, you can use recalculate
6. Commission payment receipt, receipts can be converted to expense
7. View reports and commission statistics
8. Dashboard widget for each employee when logged in

1 Inventory

1. Manage the list of attributes of goods (type, group, subgroup, unit, color, body, size, style),
declare the warehouse, the minimum inventory rules of each type of goods
2. Set the profit rate, the profit rate that can be applied on each item
3. Manage goods, support sorting by warehouses, by expiry date
4. To see details of which warehouses are still in stock with the quantity, the number of
expired items (if any), the history of import, export, and adjustment in the warehouse
5. Import goods into the warehouse
6. Export goods from the warehouse
7. Link inventory notes with invoices
8. Adjust the quantity in stock or report the loss of goods
9. Import and export internal warehouse
10. View the entire warehouse transaction history
11. Reports on import, export, and inventory of goods in stock, and reports on the value of
current goods in stock
12. Analyze current inventory value

1 Purchase

1. Manage item list with many extended attributes inherited from ERP’s item: image, item
code, barcode, purchase price
2. Vendor Management: Company info, Contact, Contract, Purchase Order, Payment,
Expenses, Note, Attachments
3. Manage procurement requests of Departments
4. Manage quotes from Vendors
5. Manage Purchase Order from Vendors, manage payment progress on this order, support
reminders, make notes and attach documents related to this order
6. Create tasks and assign them to employees on Purchase Quotation and Purchase Order
7. Convert purchase order to expense
8. Manage contracts of Vendor, support signing similarly to ERP’s sales contracts
9. Invoice and Payment Management
10. Reports and charts
11. Vendor Portal

1 Product and Services

1. Customers will be able to order to a product using any available payment gateway with
2. Customer will be able to order recurring or one-time products using invoices
3. Customers will be able to subscribe to a product using stripe subscription
4. Customer will be able to order a subscription without staff manually creating a
subscription from the admin dashboard
5. Flexible product grouping to target specific clients
6. Admin/staff will be able to create products for subscription or invoices
7. Admin/staff will be able to add product for a specific customer only (visible to only that
8. Admin/staff will be able to add product for a group of customers only (visible to only
customer that belongs to that group only)
9. Admin/staff will be able to add product available to all customers
10. Admin/staff will be able to choose if the invoice product should be available or not on
products page
11. Admin/staff will be able to choose if products for subscription should be available or not
on products page
12. products can be created by staff using stripe plans for a particular customer, customer
group or all customers
13. Products can be added for as invoice product
14. See History of customers purchases
15. You can collect additional Information for customers e.g., Shipping details
16. Module views are Customizable without worrying about updates (supports for my
prefixed views)

1 Chat

1. Chat full view Dark Theme
2. Chat full view Light Theme
3. Clients’ area chat support (Option to disable)
4. Create Chat Announcements and Chat Groups
5. Shared photos and files History
6. Live preview
7. Convert messages to ticket
8. Connect with your clients
9. Draggable / Toggleable chat with state remembered
10. Live search messages history
11. Permissions, Admin and Clients multiple Options
12. Chat with multiple members at once

1 Customer Loyalty

1. Purchase Products through Points
2. Coupon Generation
3. Per Money Spent Points
4. Membership Feature
5. Points Expiration
6. Purchase Product by Redeeming Points
7. Points Log Feature
8. Redeem Points Conversion
9. Points Table
10. Points log feature
11. Redeem directly on Invoice without going through Sales Order of Omni-channel Sales module

1 Booking appointment features

1. Google Calendar API (One way Sync)
2. Google Meet Integration
3. Invite Client and Staff to Google Meet (via email) with custom message
4. Outlook Calendar API (One way Sync)
5. Past Appointments
6. Recurring Appointments
7. Request a Callback
8. External leads / clients can requests callbacks
9. Callbacks assignee’s
10. Callbacks notes
11. Custom Fields
12. Email Tracking
13. Convert to task (can be related to Project, Invoice, Customer, Estimate, Contract, Ticket,
Expense, Lead and Proposal)
14. Convert to lead
15. Appointment Feedback’s. Clients with finished appointments can add feedback rating
and comment. Staff can request a feedback.
16. Embed (iFrame) form to any of your websites (can be added to multiple websites)
17. Staff permissions ( View-Global, View-Own, Edit, Delete )
18. Live push notifications (Reminders, New Appointment, Appointment Cancelled, Request
Cancellation, Updated, Feedback notifications, Callbacks notifications)
19. Dashboard Widget
20. Google Calendar API
21. Today’s Appointments Calendar sync
22. Option to Edit Appointment
23. Option to Delete Appointment
24. Option to Cancel appointment
25. Option set default table filter

1 Booking appointment features

26. Option set clients to book appointments logged in or before login
27. Calendar type events
28. Appointment Notes
29. Appointment Types
30. Calendar type color events in staff and clients area
31. Books appointments directly from customers area
32. General appointment view
33. General appointment view separate for external public client url client (hashed and
34. General appointment view separate for internal staff private CRM url attendee
35. Assign Multiple Staff Attendees
36. Internal Appointment (Contacts)
37. Internal Appointment (Leads)
38. External Appointment
39. External iFrame Form (Contact)
40. Email Notifications and email reminders
41. Reminder Notifications
42. Send Early Reminder
43. Access Logs
44. Reschedule appointment (Mark as Ongoing)
45. Email Templates
- Appointment Approved to (Staff and Attendees)
- Appointment Cancelled to (Staff and Attendees)
- Appointment Approved to (Contact)
- Appointment Cancelled to (Contact)
- Appointment reminder to (Staff and Attendees)
- Appointment reminder to (Contact)
- Callbacks Assigned to (Staff)
- New Callback to (Staff)
- Feedback received to (Staff)
- Feedback updated to (Staff)
46. Dashboard Today’s Appointments Widget
- Add today’s appointments widget to your dashboard
47. All your appointments are shown and synced with your calendar
- Directly open appointment from calendar
- Calendar colored events
48. Flexible date and time manipulation
- Busy hours and dates indicator
- Also available in external form

1 Booking appointment features

49. Email notifications:
- Send Email notifications to contact / attendees on creation, approval or editing existing
- Email Templates for Appointments (translate ready)
- Custom content and subject
- Custom Fields
- Feedback’s
- Callbacks
- Custom admin email templates
- Appointment Confirmation
- Appointment Cancellation
- HTML content via Tiny MCE editor in Email Templates
- Custom statuses for different status of appointments : pending, approved, cancelled,
confirmed, upcoming
- Template merge fields, in Email templates
- Action Hooks
50. Table Filters
- All
- Approved
- Not Approved
- Cancelled
- Finished
- Upcoming
- Missed
- Recurring
- Lead
- Internal Staff
51. Live Search, Live Search Leads
52. Source: eg. Internal (Contact) / External / Lead (Can be marked as External from Inside
CRM or External Contact from any website you added Appointly embed form)
53. Appointment due date pointers
54. Appointment busy dates pointers (can be disabled)
55. Responsive Bootstrap Layout

1 Web Page Builder

1. LandingPage Management
2. LandingPage builder
3. Templates
4. LandingPage Settings: Social, SEO, Custom code, Form
5. Submit Form leads
6. Drag and Drop builder
7. Multi Template
8. Easy Builder with blocks
9. Admin: Management Templates
10. Admin: Management Blocks

1 Online Sheet

1. Spreadsheet Editor – Save and manage your precious data with spreadsheets.
- Edit spreadsheets online: Nothing beats the simplicity of entering data into a table. With
this in mind this module provides an online spreadsheet editor which allow users to insert
their data into their documents without hassle. You can even apply formulas and
calculations to the data just like regular spreadsheets. This module also support drop down
list which allows you to display a number of valid options for a specific topic. It’s important to
keep your users engaged with your content. This can be accomplished by changing styles
and customizing the appearance of your documents to make it more attractive for the users
to view.
2. Organize Your Documents – Stay organized and maximize productivity.
- Align your work with your teammates: Easy retrieval when you need to search for a specific
documents. Too many documents at once? Don’t worry organize them by projects. If certain
documents were misplaced in a project simply move them directly from one project to
another. When you create a documents and add a tag to it, it will be automatically
categorized under that specific tag. This will save you time and effort on categorizing each
documents after creation.
3. Sharing – Share your work and consolidate with others.
- Align Work with Your Teammates: When the work is ready it’s time to share it with the
world. This module supports webpage embed code and you can also export or import data
records from MS Excel.
4. Team Collaboration – Teamwork is a key factor when it comes to success.
- Safely Stored on Cloud Repository: This module makes it easy to gain access to your
documents through the team. Team members can edit the documents remotely and save
them directly to Cloud Repository. This module gives your team members the ability to
access important documents anywhere, at anytime. Unlimited projects and users can
provide a more efficient arrangement for the team. This allows the team to run at its full
capacity and fulfill its full potentials.

Sub Total $100,000.00
Tax $0.00
Total Due $100,000.00

*Cheques should be crossed and made payable to “Hazedawn Limited”
*Company bank account - Bank of China - 012-720-0-003526-8

Hazedawn Limited
FPS ID: 160462198