


Room 2202, 22/F,
Mega Trade Centre,
1 Mei Wan Street,
Tsuen Wan, New Territories
Tel: 91375571

Invoice Number h-i2020063491419
Invoice Date 01.06.2022
Total Due $50,000.00
KR Accounting and Tax Advisory Limited

Flat/Room 905A, 9/F, Song Ling Industrial Building, 40-42 Ta Chuen Ping Street, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong

Accounting Loan System
Build an online loan management system that allows lending businesses to manage their borrowers, loans, repayments, and collections with ease while being affordable at the same time.


Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Account loan system

The system enables the capture of personal information, unique identifiers, next of kin details, business information and much more. You can upload
scanned photos or documents to a client’s account. You can also add your own custom fields.

You can configure your chart of accounts with GL codes and link them to loan or savings products and many other application areas. Some journal entries are automatic like loan disbursements while some can be added manually. You can find various accounting reports like trial balance, balance sheet, and profit and loss accounts.

View and export high-quality reports. Reports include borrower numbers, loan portfolio, arrears reports, savings reports, expected vs actual payments, collection sheets, provisioning and many more.

Manage users with ease. Set permissions for each staff role and control what pages they can see. You can also set payroll for your staff. See audit trail to check what your staff has been doing.

1 Big data mysql data model

Setup server structure with Hadoop on mysql server for data review and graph analysis

1 Loan system

This system has a flexible loan and savings module which you can adjust or customize to suit your microfinance needs. Manageable fields include loan
term, interest rate, repayment schedule, interest calculation method, charges, and many other options. Loan approval process follows the best microfinance standards.

View and export high-quality reports. Reports include borrower numbers, loan portfolio, arrears reports, savings reports, expected vs actual payments, collection sheets, provisioning and many more.

Sub Total $50,000.00
Tax $0.00
Total Due $50,000.00

*Cheques should be crossed and made payable to “Hazedawn Limited”
*Company bank account - Bank of China - 012-720-0-003526-8

Hazedawn Limited
FPS ID: 160462198