

Room 2202, 22/F,
Mega Trade Centre,
1 Mei Wan Street,
Tsuen Wan, New Territories

Tel: 91375571

Quote Number h-q2020202020060579962
Quote Date 08.09.2020
Total $98,400.00

Ordering Online System & Inventory Management System- 12 months subscription

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
12 Ordering Online System

Design and develop online shopping with key functions of:
List of product items with classifications, e.g. Lighting, Electronic accessories products, and etc.
Customer registration, edit profile (address, phone, etc.) change password, etc.
Customer login and place order with different payment methods
Payment with payment method of: Paypal, AsiaPay
Include user groups for B2B, B2C and internal sales
History of online shopping
Deployment of the system
30 days warranty

12 Inventory Management System - Business Management

Multiple business
Multiple business locations, store fronts, warehouse
Set currency, time zone, financial year, profit margin, tax registration details and more options

12 Inventory Management System - Product Management

Single & variable products
Enable/disable Stock management
Add brands, category, units, tax rates, group taxes
Products with expiry
Low stock alert & expiry alerts
Predefined SKU or auto generate SKU
IMEI/serial number, lot number
Print bar-code & labels
Selling price group
Import product CSV, and much more

12 Inventory Management System - Purchase

Add, edit, delete, view, print purchase
Purchase return
Credit, paid & partially paid. Multiple payment options Payment reminders
Taxes, discounts, shipping charges
Specify product lot number & expiry
Upload purchase document
Quick add product in purchase screen

12 Inventory Management System - Sell & POS Terminal

Add, edit, delete, view, print
Credit, paid & partially paid sales
Sales return
Taxes, discounts, shipping charges
Keyboard Shortcuts
Improved POS to save time (no page reload, fully Ajax)
Payment options - cash, CC, cheque, bank, transfer Walk-in or quick add customer
Specify commission agent

12 Inventory Management System - Suppliers & Customers

Add contacts as supplier, customer or both
Pay terms & payment alerts
Details payment details
Detailed purchase & sell transactions

12 Inventory Management System - Staff, Salesperson, Cashier

Advance user management module
Permission & roles
Commission agents
Assign business locations to a role
Predefined roles - admin & cashier
Add cashier for business location
Staff salary and expense management

12 Inventory Management System - Report

Powerful reports with filters & charts Profit & loss report
Purchase & sell report
Stock reports
Trending product reports
Tax reports
Expenses reports
Suppliers & customers reports
Cash registers reports
Salesperson reports

12 Inventory Management System - Others

SMS & Email notifications
Interactive dashboard with overall shop details and charts
Stock adjustments,expense management, cash register
Fully customise invoice layout, barcode settings
Supports barcode scanner, thermal printer (ESC/POS)
Translation ready, detailed documentation

Sub Total $98,400.00
Tax $0.00
Total $98,400.00

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